Security and Anti-Counterfeiting Technologies

The role of brand protection in packaging and labels.

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Minimize Counterfeiting Risks. Increase Revenue.

Protect Brand Value.

The ever-growing problem of product counterfeiting is affecting a multitude of markets. This poses a very serious problem in areas such as food & beverage, health & beauty, pharmaceuticals, alcohol, apparel and a host of other consumer products. The effects of this product compromise are far-reaching from financial losses to brand owners to more importantly, risks to consumer health and safety.

There are a number of brand protection solutions available today. Download this whitepaper to gain some key insights to help minimize risks with technologies advancing the security of your packaging and labels. Learn about:

  • Authentication technologies deployed in the packaging industry
  • When to deploy and when to combine these technologies for a cost-effective solution
  • The latest innovations in secure packaging and labeling for brand protection

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  • Fuel authentication program helps Serbia recover
    millions in lost excise taxes

    More than 930 million liters of fuel marked, and the Serbian government began to see significant evidence that the program was working.

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  • Major US Fuel Marketer Protects its Brand Promise
    and Revenue Stream

    The oil company has experienced a 7% decrease in failure rate directly attributed to a reduction in the commingling of non-branded gasoline with branded product.

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  • Level 3 Security Features and Currency

    Counterfeiting put one of the world’s largest economies at risk when rates reached nearly 300 counterfeits per million notes.

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  • How One Country Increased Excise Tax Collection

    Learn how one African nation overcame under reporting of production volumes and product smuggling of tobacco, spirits, beer, soda and bottled water.

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  • Pharmaceutical Counterfeits Threaten $1 Billion Pipeline of Product

    Counterfeit copies of major pharmaceutical brand were discovered in the US market. With no security measures in place to allow patients or inspectors to easily identify counterfeit goods.

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